Mauricio Patrón Rivera has written an astonishingly thorough and thoughtful analysis of The Republic of Exit 43 and SMOKEPENNY LYRICHORD HEAVENBRED, as well as my essay “Smelting Pot,” for the Mexican journal Grafógrafxs, “Recogiendo palabras de la tierra: La geopoética de Jennifer Scappettone,” or “Collecting Words from the Earth: The Geopoetics of Jennifer Scappettone”:

“Jennifer Scappettone's work of geopoetic writing reminds us that we are in entangled in a plot between word and matter, but we look away from that knot by taking refuge in the wireless imaginary; when, after all, that imaginary exists within the materiality of largely private servers. Her writing obliges us to rethink the ethical position of writing and of poetry under this economic and environmental system, invites us to gather the words by taking them from the earth in order to configure new spaces of justice.”

“El trabajo de escritura geopoética de Jennifer Scappettone nos hace recordar que estamos en un enredo entre la palabra y la materia, pero desviamos la mirada de ese nudo refugiándonos en el imaginario inalámbrico; cuando a fin de cuentas ese imaginario existe dentro de la materialidad de los servidores mayoritariamente privados. Su escritura nos obliga a repensar la posición ética de la escritura y de la poesía bajo este sistema económico y ambiental, nos invita a recolectar las palabras sacándolas de la tierra para poder configurar nuevos espacios de justicia.”
