It’s here! Artifacts of a convergence around the complex of feminism, poetics, pedagogy, and possibility in the midst of the impossible orchestrated by Andrea Quaid and Margaret Rhee two years back. Dare I be worthy of this box of marvels lovingly curated by Andrea and Harold of eohippus labs with a chapbook called Chloral Lines and notes toward my score for a workshop on reconvening with radical elders. Herein are some souvenirs from our talks, from my workshop with Gabrielle, Gwen & other beauties held in the nave of the Koreatown church, and from the Poetic Research Bureau reading.

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Edited by Andrea Quaid, Urgent Possibilities, Writings on Feminist Poetics & Emergent Pedagogies is the 3rd eohippus labs Annex Series pamphlet anthology.

Urgent Possibilities, Writings on Feminist Poetics & Emergent Pedagogies collects 17 individual pamphlets housed in a box custom designed by Kate Johnston and features work by Ching-In Chen, Gabrielle Civil, Corinne Dekkers, Elæ Organismthatpersons, Emma Gomis, Jen Hofer, Brenda Iijima, Alexandra Juhasz, Erica Kaufman, Traci Akemi Kato-kiriyama, Janice Lee, Eireene Nealand, Angela Peñaredondo, Andrea Quaid, Margaret Rhee, Jon Rutzmoser, Jen Scappettone, Celina Su, Adrienne Walser.