I 0WE V. I/O

Jacket2 has generously hosted a gallery of pop-up pastorals from The Republic of Exit 43 in conjunction with an essay of mine—a commentary of sorts on their 8 years of facture. The essay, "I 0we v. I/O," discusses the poetics of corporate veil-piercing as developed through a decade of research into the Superfund site across the street from my block and adjoining copper mill. I wrote the essay specifically for this stunning historical moment, one in which we are witnessing the dissolution of regulatory bodies such as the EPA, and in honor of the day when the president-elect, facing pressure regarding his conflicts of interest, was slated to make his announcement about the future of his business (which he chose not to do, in the end).

Thanks, Jacket, for hosting long-form poetics and renegade non-journalism!
