A review of Locomotrix: Selected Poetry and Prose of Amelia Rosselli by Marco Giovenale appeared in last Thursday's Il manifesto, one of the precious dailies that covers experimental aesthetics. Read the review as a .pdf on Charles Bernstein's blog. (And consider making a donation to the newspaper, endangered by the financial crisis!) In the print edition, the review is paired with a fascinating essay by Daniela Daniele of the University of Udine on US poetry in the moment of the Occupy movement. Daniele interviews Bernstein and discusses the inheritance of American Language poetry from a European perspective, drawing on the extensive materials translated for the latest issue of Il verri—which also includes a notable translation by Gherardo Bortolotti of Ron Silliman's The New Sentence.

Exit 43 is among the works that Daniele discusses as operative "[n]ella struttura ritmica di un inglese che, nella sua varietà americana, ospita i segni spuri di una radicale non-appartenenza" ("[i]n the rhythmic structure of an English that, in its American variety, hosts the illegitimate signs of a radical non-belonging").