53 million busted amphorae used to transport olive oil between Andalusia and Rome for the imperial populace to receive gratis, a kilo a day a head: hammered belly by belly to make a mountain of shards, or testae, dubbed Testaccio, 45 meters high. Abandoned, an eventual platform (1200-1400) for watching the Carnival of Rome then reenactments of the Passion, standing in for the hill of Golgotha (climactic locus of Pasolini's La Ricotta, all about food fittingly?) & sundry entertainments we'd rather not rehearse involving animals carted in from the wild.

The whole terracotta/lime complex making now for an unhumid coolness where cellars have been carved for a circumference of pubs' stores of wine.

Stepping musically now upon the leaves and shards that confuse themselves, occasionally pulling up a marble chunk from the Circus Maximus excavations conducted last century—since they chucked the dirt up here.

Having to steal the rare still, being the day's medium for translation.